
After this election I feel HUMBLED. Truly. Part of being a spiritual person is to acknowledge that larger forces are at work. Many things are of my control even though my tiny little ego wants to throw itself on the floor, fists shaking, and have a tantrum. My job is to remain positive and hopeful that good will come. Blessings to all.

When I’m disappointed in myself, I need to love myself more.

I was feeling kinda crappy. You know, haven’t gone to the gym, not eating well. I decided instead of telling myself something negative about not living up to my expectations–I’d love myself more. Doesn’t it make sense? Why kick myself when I’m down? I’m choosing to love me!  I hope if any of you are going through a hard time that you are giving yourself the positive self talk that you deserve!

Inside and Out

I have been out of whack the last few days, paying more attention to the things going on in my world, than my inner self. But I’m happy to say I’m coming back into balance. After burning myself  out with work, I took some serious ME TIME. I even booked a little get away in New Orleans for November. I realize that when I take care of myself, the outer (stuff in my life) flows. I’m hoping that all of you are taking care, too. Blessings!yinyang

Spiritual Path, Ups and Downs

I have those amazing insights; I feel so close to The Light, and then doubt creeps in. Am I on the path at all? Am I really helping others? How can I when I don’t even feel connected, when I’m in a bad mood? Am I a phony?

My Kabbalah teaching has shown me that this is part of the path. At these times, nothing will satisfy but my connection to The Light. This is when I humbly ask for connection. And this brings me closer to The Light. All comes from the same Source, the down times are part of the Path. This is the time to practice faith.

More Kabbalah

I’ve just started to learn about Kabbalah. I’m approaching this, as I do all spiritual study, with the aim to incorporate the knowledge into my consciousness and daily life, so it’s something that I’m taking very slowly. I’m only sharing the “practical” parts, the parts that we can apply directly to our lives, not all the background, although that is truly wonderful.

Here’s what I feel compelled to share today: According to what I’ve learned, the key to enlightenment is basically, moving out of the egoistic desire for “receiving” to “bestowing”. “Receiving” is the mode most of us operate in most of the time. It’s the perspective of “how can I get what I want”. “Bestowing” is what God does for us; God Energy gives us our very life and everything in it. Operating from “bestowing”, with the energy and intent of “giving” in our hearts, makes us more like God, closer to God, and connects us to all other souls. And it brings blessings down to earth.

I’ve been trying to apply this concept to my life. As I go through my day, whenever I start to get irritated, I realize that what’s behind that is my desire to “receive”. Why doesn’t my husband notice that I’m feeling down and why isn’t he trying to do something to make me happy? How come my friend hasn’t called? When I shift that energy to “bestowing” energy–what can I do for my husband and what can I do for my friend?–my heart feels open and connected and life seems to flow. I am happy!

That’s all I have for today. I look forward to sharing again.

Kabbalah and Tarot–simple lesson

Because the Tarot is said to be influenced by the Kabbalah, I wanted to try to understand it. So I have begun studying. Before now I was intimidated  by this mystical work that seemed so different than anything else I have studied. As I delve in, I have to say that I am in awe and I find myself resonating with the little I have encountered so far. I know very little and am a humble student, but I feel that I can share this one concept: We can make the decision to “bestow” instead of being focussed on “receiving.” By choosing to bestow (give) we become more like the Divine who bestows everything.

This simple concept is worth meditating on. I see it in my own life, choosing to be giving, to be of service over thinking only of what I can receive creates a powerful shift; the ego takes a back seat. The Tarot is here to help us to grow spiritually. I hope to share more about my journey into the Kabbalah as I learn.



Buddhism and Cats and Everyday Life

I recently moved from San Francisco to Athens, Georgia. I lived in San Francisco for about 16 years and couldn’t have any pets. Since I got to Athens, I’ve accumulated 3 cats. And they have helped me so much in my daily spiritual practice. Being constantly interrupted by a cat that that wants to walk on my laptop or crawl into a cupboard that I opened or sit in the sink when I’m brushing my teeth (I could go on) has made me stop many times throughout my day and practice patience and love. I mean, how can you not love them? And you can not rush through, you need to stop and pet and say sweet things to them; you must be patient.


Don’t Take It Personally

Well-meaning people have used that line over the course of my life and looking back I usually blew it off. I was too wrapped up in my hurt. But I’ve come to realize how much practical–and spiritual–truth is in “don’t take it personally” because it’s true, it’s not personal. The stuff that people say and do is about their state of being. When I realize that simple truth–I don’t need to take it into my state of being.